Americans Free Scholarship

As part of its commitment to increasing staff mobility and building the capacity of universities worldwide, the ACU is launching nine new bursaries this year for Member Community members to attend a major international conference in their areas of work.
The new bursaries, of a maximum of £2,000 each, will enable members of the EngageInternationalisation and Research, Knowledge and Information Communities to gain new skills and knowledge to assist them in their roles, and in turn have a positive impact on their home universities.
Georgina Nicoli, Member Engagement Coordinator at the ACU, said: 'We are pleased to launch these new bursaries, providing a unique opportunity for members to meet and learn from fellow Community members and other topic experts from around the world.'
As part of this scheme, three bursaries are available for Internationalisation Community members to attend the British Council’s Going Global conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 2-4 May 2018. The theme for 2018 is ‘Global connections, local impact: Creating 21st Century skills, knowledge and impact for society-wide good’.
Three bursaries are available for Engage Community members to attend the 8th Living Knowledge Conference 2018, taking place in Budapest, Hungary from 30 May - 1 June 2018. This year’s theme is ‘Enriching Science and Community Engagement’, and last year the event attracted over 250 participants from 25 countries.
Three bursaries are available for RKI Community members to attend the 7th biennial congress of the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) in Edinburgh, UK from 4-7 June 2018. This conference will bring together delegates from across the UK and Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Americas, and explore the theme ‘Promoting Global Research Management, Supporting Global Research Challenges’.
The bursaries will be used to cover international travel and visa costs, conference fees, accommodation and subsistence. Applications are now open and close on Wednesday 28 February 2018.


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