Board of Scholarships In Canada calls for Entries

With Youth For Understanding (YFU) International Exchange, students can choose a year, semester, or summer program in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden. Additionally, a program called 13th Year Abroad is available for students just out of high school. The program is available in Denmark (where students study Business and Technology) and Sweden.
Location: Year program: Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden Semester program: Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden
Dates: Year program: January/August; Semester program: August – December; January – June
Eligibility: Ages 15-18; good academic standing, motivation and ability to adapt to a foreign language and culture
Instruction: Denmark: one-week arrival orientation with language training, reentry orientation before returning home Finland: one-week arrival orientation followed by mid-year & re-entry orientations; Norway: 4-7 days arrival orientation, then mid-year & re-entry orientations; Sweden: students receive language tape before departure from U.S. and are tested upon arrival. Three-day arrival orientation, followed by mid-year and re-entry orientations.
Credit: Contact home high school
Housing: Volunteer host families
Financial Aid: Scholarships and partial awards available.


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