Sweden and Norway Needs Students Like You

The Swedish Institute (SI) has come up with a searchable database of English language programs and courses, which provides a good reference guide to start looking for a degree-level program in Sweden. Study abroad programs are available through American universities.
Other programs are available through the Swedish Program Consortium and Scandinavian Seminar. Intensive language classes, summer courses, and arts programs are also available.

AFS (American Field Service) offers year-long exchanges in which U.S. students have an opportunity to learn about the culture of another country while living with a host family and attending a local school.
AFS is the oldest and largest high school exchange program worldwide.
Location: Year-long program: Denmark (incl. Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden
Dates: Year programs: 11 months duration, mid July – early June
Eligibility: Students must be in high school at time of application.
Instruction: At local high schools, in language of host country. An orientation session and intensive language workshop precede placement with the host family.
Credit: Contact home high school.
Housing: With volunteer host families..
Financial Aid: Available based on need. Scholarship money is available to qualified students.


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